domingo, 15 de diciembre de 2013

"My evaluation of the English class"

Hi, everyone!

Today I'll talk about my 4th english course. 
I'm really happy about the chance of join a group like the one I've been. I hope to repeat a nice experience as comfortable as this one. 
I think I improved my english a lot, maybe not so much in grammar but in fluency. Of course, I feel better talking and can see, I don't have so much problems of memory like before, words come easier to my mind.
I enjoyed a lot learning new things, like one we saw, about three classes ago (I was so happy of understand that). The teacher told us, the diference between bacteria and beacterium, same for curricula and curriculum. These ending words in "culum" were singular, the others, plural. Was an amazing explanation of the latin etymon.
Other thing I felt good about, is chatting in pairs. When you are talking a to a classmate, you know he is learning like you, is the same case, so, everything is quite comfortable. You just talk.
I'm grateful about the songs we saw. I've felt a bit stressed sometimes, because I'm not so fast learning I think, and filling some grammar classwork I had problems answering to the teacher for my lack of responses. XD So I'm telling this, because, there's a mix in our work. Those smooth moments singing, lets us in a really good mood, as an entire class.

In order to have a better class, I hope everyone gets involved with the lenguage as we did. Just that.
Nice to meet the people I've met!

jueves, 7 de noviembre de 2013

What about bullying?

What is bullying?

To bull is the act of treat someone with violence. Words of  homophobia, sexist and intelligence discrimination are pretty common to be listen in this world's important issue.

This type of treat, tend to hurt the bullied in different ways. One of them, is the psychological element.
Normally, the affected person stop with their normal attitude towards life and to people near him. Stop eating, cry, lost the interest in studies, etc. We have to remember every person has a different form to keep themselves living, but their behaviour usually change a lot.

The other edge of the matter, is the physical element. This element always involve the first one we talk about. Obviously, the idea of someone looking for you just to hurt you, would be scary to anyone. And if we maintain this situation along the time, it should damage every psyche.
The affected, normally, try to hide the injuries they have and don't want people to know about that dramatic state.

What to do in such situation?

I will talk about the whole problem, including the main phases to deal with it. Of course, in a personal opinion.
First, it is important to pay attention to someone you know is lacking of their normal confidence or attitude towards others. If you found the problem is effectively bullying, you should make taking part both part of the case; the bullied and the bully. Now, the need to receive, of course, psychological treatment. Something converts guys, especially, in a "bullyingable" person, is the false notion of people being better than others. He needs to know everyone has the same importance, o after that, help him to accept is not his fault. In the case of the abuser, the first thin to teach him, is the same of before, make sure to understand everyone worth the same. And then, find which is the problem- the real- that  make his acts take that way.

Thanks for reading!

jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2013

Cities: Barcelona, Spain

It's been a long time since the last time a was writing something on this blog of mine, nice to see you again!


In our world, there are definitely lots of cultures. Every city has its own way to show us how it is that culture, because, there's always something special and unique in every location, built by people, religion, politics, architecture, etcetera. This time, I'd like to talk to you about Barcelona. For sure is and impressive place, but i'll talk of it because I want to recreate some of my parent lives, since they lived in Barcelona lots of years.

Triumphal Arch, Barcelona.


Barcelona is an European city in Spain (Iberian peninsula), its coordinates 2° 7' 42" E 41°24' 42" N . Altough it is the 2nd largest city in the country and the Catalonia capital. The 2012 registred a population of 1.620.943.
When I think of this place, I usually think of the beautiful part, because it's a bit impossible don't have idea about the madieval period and some of the development in the country while talking about sacral architecture.  


In Barcelona, spanish and catalan are talked indistinctively. So there's no problem for a turist if just knows the first idiom.
As we know, Catholicism is special for this country with the bigger number of devotes. But it's true too, that muslims are getting a more important place among the other religions; the number of devote people have increased notoriously. Another impressive fact is that Barcelona is the city that focus more mosques and oratories.

Places of Interest

Barcelona has actually many places declared World Heritage Sites by UNESCO. Really interesting!

At least you should visit:

1) La Sagrada Familia:
A huge Basilica been under construction since 1882, designed by the architect Antonio Gaudí.
How to get there:
Get off at the Sagrada Familia station (purple or blue line). Purple Line--->Reach C. de Mallorca street and walk to the west to the next block. You sure will see it. Blue Line--->Reach Marina or Sardenya street, and walk through them to the next block.

2) L' Aquarium de Barcelona:
The name says. One of the impressive atractions of Barcelona's Port area.
How to get there:
Get off at Drassanes subway station (Green Line). Walk to the south-east and walk trough the south along La Rambla street. While walking, you'll pass the C. de José Anselm, Passeig de Colom, Ronda del Litoral and Moll de Bosch streets. There, you'll find Rambla del Mar. Continuo to the south and in front of Darsena Nacional, beside Maremagnum, you'll get it.

3) Poble Espanyol de Montjuïc:
A little spanish village with different kinds of architecture. The ones along Spain.
How to get there:
At Spanya subway station (Green Line), reach María Cristina street (south-west) till Avinguda de Rius st. and turn to west, walk by this street. You'll see the village. The path should take about 15 minutes walking.

Actual Issues

I think of Spain as bright as ever, but isn't a lie to world that the country has lots of economic problems. That's why actually it's well know young people is running away from Spain. Looking for better works or even to find one. About 200 citizens per day, are leaving the country; travelling to Germany, France, U.S and I can include Latinamerica. I truly hope the situation changes soon, always to a better state.

Thank you for reading, see you soon!

jueves, 18 de julio de 2013

The Last Post...(?)

My experience

I need to say the first time I wrote a post in english was a terrible thing. I doubt about every word, I liked the topic, well, I loved the topic in fact, but was really hard writing having the idea of show lots of mistakes. I suffered for that reason. 
The good thing is that's all the bad part jaja. I enjoyed to have the possibility of sharing my ideas about the topics of every week. Topics I waited for and I should say: it really was exciting. 
Actually writing a post take me a lot of time, but the reasons are not the same as before, right now, I take my time thinking in what I want to say and no thinking if every part of the text is correct. Well I can't say if that's a good idea at all (the inner me says maybe that sounds like a bad influence jaja).
Sorry if this is not something to say, but the most I write the less I pay attention to the way I write...Yeah, sounds bad.  I don't mean I throw up words, but I just say that I wrote what flowed from my mind and for sure is an amazing freedom sensation that gives you the will to continue and with time grows bigger. I think we all should feel writing shows you this rewarding feeling.  
And with time naturally or by osmosis, we will improve jajajaja. That's my theory.

Now, it's hard to chose a post because I liked most of them and love talking what I like! Well, yeah, there are some favourite ones (in order of like):

1) The free post (The Night Sky): Everyone talk about the things they love, those were posts full of affection.
2) An ambition: That post touched my philosophical part...(jaja).
3) A concert or exhibition (The planets of Gustav Holst): I just talk about something mainstream(I mean is not Michael Jackson in Chile or something like that)...But, I want people to listen to that amazing piece of art.
And I could stay talking more and more but is enough. I hated the post of the BBC Learning English Website (sooorry). I can see I don't like websites at all, don't like to navigate neither. I'm not a technological person, maybe (?)

The Blogs

At the beginning I choose blogs randomly but with time I got used to read the Wai Yan's blog "Chocolate From a Shop", Andrea's blog "Farmatonterías" and Tomás Porras blog. I think Wai Yan knows a lot of art and is super orderly in her writing. Andrea is super simple and direct saying what she wants. And Tomás jaja he is super funny... Maybe I shouldn't say this but the fact is that I can´t say more than then words to him  when we are chatting, because he is too funny and I laughed a lot (he's a bad influence jajajajajajajaajajja X'D joking). 
I like specially the way Wai Yan's blog looks, it really is pretty. (An she laughs of my commentaries: Thank you, thank you, don't bother jaja).
pd: Thanks to Miguel for his nice recommendations :D 


I enjoyed chatting with you guys, reading your blogs and see your commentaries. I remember a set of conversations, I do not know why, but most of them (if not all) take a hilarious direction jajajaja. I remember talk about UFOs with Simon, simply marvellous jaja.
Ah, I take the moment to excuse my grammatical, orthographic mistakes, etc, sorry c:

Thanks for reading!!! See you soon.

miércoles, 17 de julio de 2013

TV Show

When I was 6 years old, I use to see tv after arrive to my house from school, and I think, that really was one of the best hours in the day. In CHV there was transmitted a tv show called "El Club de los Tigritos", a typical program where were given a lot of animations. The show was led by Carolina Gutiérrez at first then, some years later, by Jessica Abudinen.
With 6 years I didn't know where the program come from, but know I could read that the original program came from Venezuela and was adapted to different countries here in Southamérica. 
If I'm not wrong, the program started at 4  p.m approx. and I know this doesn't sound quite good, but, it lasted until 6 p.m. I saw all the anime they gave. 
Inside the show, in addition to the series, some contest were part of it too. 
Each anime chapter last 25 min. approx. so in the afternoon were transmitted near 5 series every day in the week. Some of them are: Sailor Moon, Caballeros del Zodiaco, Detective Conan, Ranma 1/2, etc. 

I'll tell you something not so related, but for me is important. I really am good to rebember songs I like, so I listened sometimes the background of the program, but, I didn't know the name of the song. About a year ago I found it, Twiggy twiggy jaja. Was a long research.

Here goes

Thanks for reading!

jueves, 4 de julio de 2013

Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity?

We all born geniuses. Is that simple.

After see what Ken says, I think I'm not the only one who thought he was right and there is a big problem with public education. I would really enjoy to discuss this topic.
What Ken says?
A fast resume of what he says is that we all born geniuses, but, public education do not let us grow up in creativity, and, because of that, when we are adults, we have not those creative and fantastic minds anymore. 
I really agree with Ken. There's a lot of issues in education from the very bottom of our society thoughts. I would like to mention more of this.
What's going on? What stops our creativity? We all came to this world with an open mind, to receive all kind of information and learning, but, public education in system; is design with a structured idea, not thinking in the variety of children capabilities; instead of base on the educational program in creativity, they used, the common idea  of mathematics and science as a synonym of intelligence and success, and of course, some other subjects, but these I mentioned, principally.
That´s the main problem, some kids grow thinking they are not good, they aren't intelligent, when is not the case. Every person has his own especial ability, but, that doesn' mean, society will give to that the importance it posses in truth. We need to appreciate every kind of intelligence, worship and adoreee (like the song jaja) it. 


I think we can see these examples in the daily life with every friends we have and maybe, the hobbies, are nearest prove of the talent; the activities people love, non one but ourselves are the responsible to feed that passion. I hope for the moment we could help others, trying to make blooming  like flowers their gifts.

Here I recommend you to see this video, let's think about another issue and its solutions.

 Thanks for reading!

miércoles, 3 de julio de 2013

A building I like

Right now, I think this building is one of the most showy and marvellous ones in earth. The first time saw it, was a lot of years ago, 

I think about 11 years maybe in something like a documentary. 

I couldn't believe there were a building like that, like a dream, like a tale. 


The Kremlin of Moscow

Is a building  located in Moscow, Russia. In fact is a set of civil and religious buildings. Actually it's used as the government house, and is like this since the Soviet Union times. Although, the very beginning of the Kremlin as synonymous  of government take place in the XIV century, when the palace became the Prince and the royal family residence.

It's important to mention, there are several Kremlins, placed in different locations of the country. At first, they borned as simples fortified citadels, but, with time they turned into centers of people lives, since  religiousness took place in the set of cathedrals inside Kremlin and for sure, the other important edifications. 

I like

The forms, the colours, the stories behind this super antique building. As I said before, the first time I saw it, I got so impressed because I never could believe a structure like that exists in real life. In a moment, I doubt for a while, thinking of the Taj Mahal...Should I have talk of  the Kremlin or the Taj? I love the Taj, but, the fantasy inside the Kremlin, was stronger. Maybe it's obvious and simple for oriental people, but here where I live, I think no. 
I suspect, the colours are most important pattern (if there's one) which caught my attention. I've been thinking a time of this and I see now, that, when someone says Kremlin, lots of curves and COLOURS take place on my mind. 
I hope to visit such an incredible place. 

See you soon, thanks for reading!

jueves, 20 de junio de 2013

A piece of art - Bosch

The Garden of Earthly Delights
Oil on wood
220 x 389cm
Museo del Prado, Madrid, Spain.


The Garden of Earthly Delights

-How and when I saw it
I'm not sure about the first time I saw this painting. But, let's see. The last year I remember have stayed a lot in the faculty working for a classes, and of course, until the next day. The fact is that a friend of mine used to work too, so, some days we passed studying together. In middle of the night, and after a few hours of work, you should know how hard is keeping concentration, so we made stops and just distracted ourselves for a bit. Then, in one of our conversations, he talked me about The Garden of Earthly Delights; we were with our computers so he searched it. When I saw that work I though  I maybe saw it before, but, as I told first, not sure of it.

-Why I like it

If you have read some of my old posts, you will see how much I like medieval and sacral topics. Well, this pic is full of them and when you like thinking about things, I'm sure this will make your day. It's just sometimes I can't believe, there's so much information that involves, people mind, religion, moral, etc. reunited in a piece of art.

-About the painting

This friend of mine studied some years of history and literature, so he knew a bit about meanings and symbols in the painting. I was and right now I am still amazed of all the draw content, the painting is just like a big book talking about medieval age thinking and when you take your time to see, it's impressive all the information you would discover.

The work describes in a surrealistic manner three scenes:
1) The Paradise
2) The Purgatory
3) The Inferno
And each scene is a different part of the painting that is in fact a  triptych.

Hieronymos Bosch

(1450-1516) Was an Early Netherlandish painter known for his  especial form of illustrate (right now, we know it as surrealism) about moral and religion.
He used to paint triptych, but,  his most know one, is The Garden of Earthly Delights.

martes, 18 de junio de 2013

A place to eat

My customs

First, I should mention in my family is not common to eat out. Although I remember that a lot of years ago, we used to go to the shopping mall and eat some ice-cream, but that's all.

Japanese Grill

If there is a place where I like to go and eat, is Japanese Grill. It's located in the station Moneda of the subway. Find the Santa Isabel and walk down upstairs; you'll see some food stores, and for sure, the one I'm talking about.
Some characteristics I like are: is not  a expensive place; it's near my bus stop; each time I eat, I'm satisfied at the of the sushi. By the way, I need say, it's a simple and informal place, and because there are stores together, it's more than a public place, it's a pretty public place. 

Right now, I'm not going anywhere, you know, I have brackets... 1) When the dentist tighten up the brackets, hurts sooo much and 2) Most of the food I eat will stay in the brackets until I wash my teeth, and when you are with someone and this person talks to you jajaja is a terrible thing. Those are the reasons, and sorry for the details. 

A would like to go

To a place called "Salchidog". I can't deny they sell trash food, and at first, I didn't like the idea of eat there, but a friend of mine told me about all the ingredients you can add to your "completo". Now I think is the best word, you will eat something full of things, something "complete".
I'm waiting for it, when my teeth lack of brackets, I'll go.


Hope you to enjoy a nice place to eat, thanks for reading!

lunes, 10 de junio de 2013

I would like to meet...

Something a bit sad is to know there's some characters 
that maybe we will never meet, 
but in case we could do it, what would you do?


Karen Carpenter

She's the one I would like to know, and the person whose identity was a mystery for a lot of years. I can see me in past with 5 years old,  listening her music in the car; the deep voice, all the melodies, were just something beautiful. The fact is I didn't know how to obtain her name and music, so I just get used to remember some words I could understand and part of the melody.

Approximately 12 years after that, some day, I found her. Was an amazing moment. Since then I listen to her   songs the way I always dreamed, and of course I try to learn about her life and work.

Her life

As you imaging she was a northamerican singer and drummer (March 2, 1950- February 4, 1983), well known for being part of the duet Carpenters with her brother, and her deep voice. 
Being in high school, she didn't like some classes, and to exempt herself, she got in to the high school band, she fell in love with the drums and her life began to change.
In university, she share a group with Frank Poller and her brother Richard. They played in different clubs on Hollywood, they win in a conquest and finally they sign in with RCA Records for a few months, from then on, success fallow their lives.

If I could talk to her

I would ask her to create a song for two voices, and as you maybe think, one of them should be mine. I think  I could expend all day talking about music and singing with her. 
She died very young, that's something that make me talk of her, because I know, right now, she could stay alive, and would be the older, nice and loved singer of mine.


One of the most known songs: "Close to you"

Their cover for: "Ticket to ride"


I hope you enjoyed!

Thanks for reading, see you!

jueves, 6 de junio de 2013

BBC English Learning Site

The BBC, British Broadcasting Corporation
is the public service of radio, tv and internet in the United Kingdom,
whose audience is one of the largest in that country.


The Website

Learning English is a free service from the BBC for those ones trying to know more about the language that's unites us. This is, the web don't teach, the bases of english, however, if you are looking for improvement, this is the place for you. 

I didn't know about this website, neither which was the meaning of BBC, and now, I can't deny the impression it causes me. It's a quite complete site, with series of exercises and topics that helps to delv into the language.
If you want to learn more, it's just a sin don't know about this link.


It's easy to navigate, especially considering they have a part calls "Site Map" where is told all content and of course, explained task by task with short words (that's the most I like, the inner me loves order), making of it a pretty useful part to give you a general vision.

I think my favourite elements are the downloads and postcasts. Since I have to travel a lot by bus to go to the university, is amazing how you can take advantage of that, apparently, time-out. Just download and listen along the way, and even more, there's lots of topics to keep you entertained!

Get in, learn and share!

Thanks for reading!

jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013

Summer Concerts

This past summer, I could experience one of the most amazing concerts of the year: The Planets by Gustav Holst.
If you read my blog before, I'm sure you should know I like the space, planets and stuff. In January, I had a lot of time (you could imaging) so, I spent the time I wanted to read and seek topics related with the night sky. The fact is that's why I enjoyed so much the idea of see that concert (I think), at last, that was one of the main reasons.

The concert

Took place the days 10, 11 y 12 of January in the Universidad de Chile's theatre, located in Baquedano station. I went on Thursday, if I remember well. he director was from here -Chile- and his name is Juan Pablo Villarroel; the orchestra and the institutional chorus participated.
The concert was simply wonderful. I like you to imagine the magical atmosphere there. The Planets, it's a work who contains 7 different movements; a suite. Each one represent a planet and from that, a god. I truly enjoyed  building an imagery for the well known characters. Moreover, we could see (who knows how) a unique personality from the music.
Quite a special moment in concert (for me) was, when they were playing Venus, the bringer of peace. Such big curiosity, was eaten me jaja. In an astrological way, Venus, is related with the sign Taurus (that's mine). I listened and woaa! So beautiful, so like my type of likes. I was completely delighted. Plus, the sound of the music took in a point, a volume so sweet and nice, everyone felt the mood and the silence, make the music. In fact, was like none one moves or took air.

Gustav Holst

Was an English composer born on 1874. The suit The Planets, was his most important creation and for sure important to England too; because that work helped the country recovering the international music category. The success of that work definitely crossed the borders. 
It's interesting to know, Holst work wasn't based completly in astronomy; but, in astrology. In fact, the models for gods, are the greek ones.


Hope you to enjoy, see you soon!  

jueves, 2 de mayo de 2013

A Beach

If I should choose a place I like, 

maybe it won't be the beach, unless ...


When I'm thinking of going out, usually I don't think in the beach, but the forest or the countryside. Though I can't deny there is a way to enjoy a place like a beach.
The vision of people in general about beach, means sun, warm, swimming, and  of course, others bathers.
I can say I don't like that type of things verily. Some years ago, I went to the beach (with the main class where I studied) and I spent the most part of time under a towel to not burn my skin - I remember the touch of sun like something pretty painful and yes, I enjoyed those vacations, but the part of sun; definitely not.
Right now I'm not so maniac, and the reason is, my skin doesn't hurt like before, the last 3 years I've been a lot on outdoor, probably that's why.

I like

Going to beach when the weather is wintry. The cloudy days are beautiful and for some reason I can pull myself in a relaxing state. Moreover, the spaces are not full of people. 
The passivity, the silence, the  sky mixes dark and light, and  makes shine the sun different, in a mysterious form. It's like I've put an infinite filter that fills all my eyes can see. Wonderful.

Six years ago

A friend of mine, invited me to the Quisco. I remember the amazing experience it was. Also, the timing to go was perfect, weather looks hilarious, was at the end of June. The seaside was fairly empty, and those two weeks, we used playing around those sites. I think, the intentions for those who go in summer and the others who go in winter or autumn are quite contrary. Maybe, in the cold, we try to reach a inner peaceful trip. I won't opine for the other part.


Still cold, I could feel the warmth
from the wintry breeze.

Thanks for reading!

jueves, 25 de abril de 2013

A humble Photography


Finally, I upload some photos that were promised,
maybe they are not the best, but was an interesting experience.


Sometimes, we want to do some activities, that commonly

are  stopped by simple, so simple reasons. I hesitate that happens

to everybody, but, I think it's pretty normal. 

In this case: The lack  of a good camera and a studio.

       This past summer, I went with my closer friends to a Resort placed in the 5th region. They were great vacations, because, we could do lots of activities; in fact, I played pool, tennis, ping pong, and tried some exercises like swimming, stretching, cycling, and others...It was just so funny.
Well, as you see, that simple presentation isn't the main content of this post: it is the low production of some photographs my friends and I took.
It was a nice experience, but, the best was: One night, after finish the daily program of activities, we got inside a bedroom. At first, all we did was just talking and talking...and talking (yeah, sooo productive). But, with that, we began taking photos too; bad ones, good ones, pretty good ones, and of course pretty bad ones jaja. Inside there was nothing more than a painting on the wall, a light in the roof, and  two beds. We were amazed by the way our photos changed.  
At the end, we used a bed, the white wall, the light above us and a sweater. Yes, a sweater was our best companion  in the work of change the lights and shades qualities, same goes for brightness.
Al least, we could obtain some nice shots (I think, I´m not a photographer). I hope getting- today afternoon-  the approval from the model to share some photographs with you.


We could get quite impressed, from the results of simple imagination.

Thanks for reading, see you soon guys! 

jueves, 18 de abril de 2013

The Night Sky

Life is not just day, or what we are seeing in the clearly and bright light. There's another way, how a low brightness can illuminate our normal time in a pretty special moment: the night.


It is quite common to see an spectacular Starry starry Night, as McLean says, in a second place in every movie or love novel when the main pairing spend a romantic situation, and the beautiful sky it's just left behind. What about make of the night the leading host and being its guest? It could be too an amazing love story, I think.

Since I was a child, I used to look at the sky with my brother and parents. We play finding satellites; who's the most skillful searching them, and, after that, fallow them with the gaze until they disappear. 
It happens that one day, I met my godmother's mate; he really like knowing about stars, planets, and that sort of things. That's the moment my life get a new topic to discover such a wonderful and complete parallel world. He taught me lots of things, I truly enjoyed when I could seek for a new story from sky. Thinking of it, I suspect I talk about it too much; because, those years, remember have had several books, posters, magazines, cd´s for PC (all that with universe as theme) and my black telescope as gifts. (I thank all people who gave me those fantastic things).

Years passed away, and I let behind the night sky, what a sad matter...Till now.

Something occurred at this time on me. I began looking overhead again; slowly, progressively and giving it a sens. For the way, results that some day I talked to a friend of mine, about stars, and such, and he got interested. Whoaaa! I felt something marvellous: the bliss from share the night's friendship.

Right Now

I use to look heaven. Especially, paying attention the few things I can locate. The place where I live (Santiago from Chile), it's not possible to see many stars, but that's what make of simple travel something impressive. Just a few kilometers far away, are necessary to see the stars revealing their delicate light.

Try to

Learn just a bit. Probably one of the easiest constellations to recognize is Orion. I usually watch it. It's pretty easy to find. The other you should try to know (especially if you are southamerican like me), it's the circumpolar constellation Crux (we call it "Cruz del Sur"). A circumpolar constellation is one who never lacks in a given latitude on earth. In ancient ages, sailors use to be conscious of these constellations to orient their journeys in nights. Other very well known circumpolar object it is the North Star, which fulfil the same function of Crux, but, as the name says, it is visible only on north. It´s pretty interesting that both of them could help us finding north, south, and, therefore, east and west.

Time ago, I never could find Crux. My friend saw it once, and never forget it. I can't deny I were a bit jealous (jaja). After that, I learnt  it's form, now is unforgettable.

I love greet Crux, now I can appreciate it (jajaja).



There's always more to say...I let you the task of investigate the most you like about the night sky; you could be all your life on it.  
I really enjoyed writing. Time flew jaja. I hope you delight reading this topic as much as I take pleasure telling you my experience.


Since we can move our eyes and head up and down,
don't we should benefit our being, allowing us know above the horizon too?

Thanks for reading, see you soon guys!

jueves, 11 de abril de 2013

An ambition

Sometimes people have an ambition, what's part of human kind and most of all, a way to get our body and mind moving with the power of a desire.

Today, I'd like to tell you one of my ambitions for future. It's related with movies and things I saw and read since I was little. The immediate reason for center my attention in the stuff I'm going to talk you about, really, I don't know, just cannot remember. 

An instrospective or extrospective trip?

That's my wish, a great trip around those places that had been part of history. Especially, where architecture is touchable. Sometimes, I feel putting my hand above the walls, or the floor, I'm part of whatever happened there; and maybe, someone did the same, placing a hand centuries ago.

The trip, should have two parts or ways of view. One of them it´s the inner view, and the second, it's the contact with people. I imagine it like a formula:

Introspective: inner me + architecture    and   Extrospective: inner me + people

I don't know why, but churches, monasteries, abbeys are my aim. When I look at them I feel something pretty special inside my chest, something untouchable for others, even for myself in words; but, at the same time, it's the most real sensation ever.
Travel and know about history, could be the best. Europe cause me a lot of expectation, because I know (just a bit, I think so) what Catholicism produce in architecture's terms. Without let behind what mixes cultures could create, like "Palacio de Alhambra" in Spain. When I say, my aim are those sacred places, I need to clarify, they are a priority, but I enjoy with every part of me, forms, colours, such stuff made by men hands (with years above, of course).

Now, the other element which never could lack on a trip, is people; without it, we can't understand the essence from a place, the true nature of it. Last year I've been traveling to Curacaví, here in Chile, Santiago; it was for homework. At this moment I can see clear that, if people were not there, my journeys would not give me the bliss I could obtain.

I like to talk about some others places in Asia and the entire world; but, It means to much for giving it just a few vain words. I love the topic!


Maybe, places are, because we exist.

See you later!

jueves, 4 de abril de 2013

The day's book: Il nome della Rosa

Author: Umberto Eco
1a Ed: 1980

Il nome della rosa it's what I'm going to talk you today.
I can recommend such a nice book for those ones like me who like medieval stories, mystery, terrible murders and a big mind putting all his enforces to discover a veiled truth.
At the first moment, I thought the book's story was full of  quite a big investigation behind it, because, Eco, could tell us, a pretty complete context, where symbols are posed in every part.

The main story 
The development happens in a monastery in the year 1327, about two weeks of great mystery.
William de Barskerville, a pretty smart franciscan, travel with his little disciple Also de Melk, to a lost monastery on mountains, specifically Italy. At a time like that, franciscans, the order, are in trouble to live its religious ideology of austerity; and, because of that, are looking a meeting with the pope to get peace with him and the Vatican.
Above that, the main event are 7 different murders related with prophecies. And William actions take form trying to discover what's going on in such an apparently sacral place.

Umberto Eco, is a very well known Italian thinker,  and a man of semiotics. I'd like to mention this, because Il nome della Rosa, as I said before have a big registry of symbols and from that, a lot of signs.
An interesting and common topic of discussion is- and I left it to you- what's the meaning of the rose in the title?
We need considering the rose has lots of signification, and it depends on context. From that, we should obtain a  mix of analogies and maybe, could reach the knowledge of main purpose.


I read the book aproximately six years ago, when I was in high school. I remember myself seeking for sacral stories and because of that, I pick it up. The little details are -lamentably- forgotten in my conciousness.

Don't loose the oportunity of  read it. 


"Stat rosa pristina nomine, nomina nuda tenemus"

See you soon guys!