jueves, 4 de julio de 2013

Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity?

We all born geniuses. Is that simple.

After see what Ken says, I think I'm not the only one who thought he was right and there is a big problem with public education. I would really enjoy to discuss this topic.
What Ken says?
A fast resume of what he says is that we all born geniuses, but, public education do not let us grow up in creativity, and, because of that, when we are adults, we have not those creative and fantastic minds anymore. 
I really agree with Ken. There's a lot of issues in education from the very bottom of our society thoughts. I would like to mention more of this.
What's going on? What stops our creativity? We all came to this world with an open mind, to receive all kind of information and learning, but, public education in system; is design with a structured idea, not thinking in the variety of children capabilities; instead of base on the educational program in creativity, they used, the common idea  of mathematics and science as a synonym of intelligence and success, and of course, some other subjects, but these I mentioned, principally.
That´s the main problem, some kids grow thinking they are not good, they aren't intelligent, when is not the case. Every person has his own especial ability, but, that doesn' mean, society will give to that the importance it posses in truth. We need to appreciate every kind of intelligence, worship and adoreee (like the song jaja) it. 


I think we can see these examples in the daily life with every friends we have and maybe, the hobbies, are nearest prove of the talent; the activities people love, non one but ourselves are the responsible to feed that passion. I hope for the moment we could help others, trying to make blooming  like flowers their gifts.

Here I recommend you to see this video, let's think about another issue and its solutions.

 Thanks for reading!

1 comentario:

  1. I agree that the hobbies are the best way to show that we are all talented and creative.
    I laughed when I read "...like the song jaja". "Fly me to the Moon" is a great song.
