martes, 18 de junio de 2013

A place to eat

My customs

First, I should mention in my family is not common to eat out. Although I remember that a lot of years ago, we used to go to the shopping mall and eat some ice-cream, but that's all.

Japanese Grill

If there is a place where I like to go and eat, is Japanese Grill. It's located in the station Moneda of the subway. Find the Santa Isabel and walk down upstairs; you'll see some food stores, and for sure, the one I'm talking about.
Some characteristics I like are: is not  a expensive place; it's near my bus stop; each time I eat, I'm satisfied at the of the sushi. By the way, I need say, it's a simple and informal place, and because there are stores together, it's more than a public place, it's a pretty public place. 

Right now, I'm not going anywhere, you know, I have brackets... 1) When the dentist tighten up the brackets, hurts sooo much and 2) Most of the food I eat will stay in the brackets until I wash my teeth, and when you are with someone and this person talks to you jajaja is a terrible thing. Those are the reasons, and sorry for the details. 

A would like to go

To a place called "Salchidog". I can't deny they sell trash food, and at first, I didn't like the idea of eat there, but a friend of mine told me about all the ingredients you can add to your "completo". Now I think is the best word, you will eat something full of things, something "complete".
I'm waiting for it, when my teeth lack of brackets, I'll go.


Hope you to enjoy a nice place to eat, thanks for reading!

6 comentarios:

  1. It is difficult to have brackets, at least in my case, I can say it good bye in one month :).

  2. Wonderful, I'm happy for you and congrats! jaja

  3. Respuestas
    1. Oh, I cooked cupcakes of brownie and mint frosting :D

    2. Well, I think the right word is bake, I baked jaja

  4. I had brackets too, so I understand you.
    Personally, I don't eat hot dog in public (or at home. In fact, I hardly ever eat them), because I think I'd look grotesque (haha).
