jueves, 18 de abril de 2013

The Night Sky

Life is not just day, or what we are seeing in the clearly and bright light. There's another way, how a low brightness can illuminate our normal time in a pretty special moment: the night.


It is quite common to see an spectacular Starry starry Night, as McLean says, in a second place in every movie or love novel when the main pairing spend a romantic situation, and the beautiful sky it's just left behind. What about make of the night the leading host and being its guest? It could be too an amazing love story, I think.

Since I was a child, I used to look at the sky with my brother and parents. We play finding satellites; who's the most skillful searching them, and, after that, fallow them with the gaze until they disappear. 
It happens that one day, I met my godmother's mate; he really like knowing about stars, planets, and that sort of things. That's the moment my life get a new topic to discover such a wonderful and complete parallel world. He taught me lots of things, I truly enjoyed when I could seek for a new story from sky. Thinking of it, I suspect I talk about it too much; because, those years, remember have had several books, posters, magazines, cd´s for PC (all that with universe as theme) and my black telescope as gifts. (I thank all people who gave me those fantastic things).

Years passed away, and I let behind the night sky, what a sad matter...Till now.

Something occurred at this time on me. I began looking overhead again; slowly, progressively and giving it a sens. For the way, results that some day I talked to a friend of mine, about stars, and such, and he got interested. Whoaaa! I felt something marvellous: the bliss from share the night's friendship.

Right Now

I use to look heaven. Especially, paying attention the few things I can locate. The place where I live (Santiago from Chile), it's not possible to see many stars, but that's what make of simple travel something impressive. Just a few kilometers far away, are necessary to see the stars revealing their delicate light.

Try to

Learn just a bit. Probably one of the easiest constellations to recognize is Orion. I usually watch it. It's pretty easy to find. The other you should try to know (especially if you are southamerican like me), it's the circumpolar constellation Crux (we call it "Cruz del Sur"). A circumpolar constellation is one who never lacks in a given latitude on earth. In ancient ages, sailors use to be conscious of these constellations to orient their journeys in nights. Other very well known circumpolar object it is the North Star, which fulfil the same function of Crux, but, as the name says, it is visible only on north. It´s pretty interesting that both of them could help us finding north, south, and, therefore, east and west.

Time ago, I never could find Crux. My friend saw it once, and never forget it. I can't deny I were a bit jealous (jaja). After that, I learnt  it's form, now is unforgettable.

I love greet Crux, now I can appreciate it (jajaja).



There's always more to say...I let you the task of investigate the most you like about the night sky; you could be all your life on it.  
I really enjoyed writing. Time flew jaja. I hope you delight reading this topic as much as I take pleasure telling you my experience.


Since we can move our eyes and head up and down,
don't we should benefit our being, allowing us know above the horizon too?

Thanks for reading, see you soon guys!

6 comentarios:

  1. always interested me what is in outer space....i think it's one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen...

  2. One day we should have a long conversation jaja. I'm glad that you like such things.
    You are a night sky's friend too! :D!

  3. I really enjoy reading your post, I like to spend time looking at the sky when it's clear, but it is very difficult to escape the orange haze of the city, thankfully I live near to Cajon del Maipo that it's an espectacular place to enjoy the night sky.


  4. Ahaha... I feel pure bliss jajajajaja
    How nice you liked the post. Woa, where you live is amazing, I hope you to enjoy it.


  5. The best star watching I did was in Valley de Elqui. Amazing:)

    1. Plus, it's well known, Valle del Elqui it's something like a mystical place, it must have been marvellous. I hope to visit that location someday.

