jueves, 20 de junio de 2013

A piece of art - Bosch

The Garden of Earthly Delights
Oil on wood
220 x 389cm
Museo del Prado, Madrid, Spain.


The Garden of Earthly Delights

-How and when I saw it
I'm not sure about the first time I saw this painting. But, let's see. The last year I remember have stayed a lot in the faculty working for a classes, and of course, until the next day. The fact is that a friend of mine used to work too, so, some days we passed studying together. In middle of the night, and after a few hours of work, you should know how hard is keeping concentration, so we made stops and just distracted ourselves for a bit. Then, in one of our conversations, he talked me about The Garden of Earthly Delights; we were with our computers so he searched it. When I saw that work I though  I maybe saw it before, but, as I told first, not sure of it.

-Why I like it

If you have read some of my old posts, you will see how much I like medieval and sacral topics. Well, this pic is full of them and when you like thinking about things, I'm sure this will make your day. It's just sometimes I can't believe, there's so much information that involves, people mind, religion, moral, etc. reunited in a piece of art.

-About the painting

This friend of mine studied some years of history and literature, so he knew a bit about meanings and symbols in the painting. I was and right now I am still amazed of all the draw content, the painting is just like a big book talking about medieval age thinking and when you take your time to see, it's impressive all the information you would discover.

The work describes in a surrealistic manner three scenes:
1) The Paradise
2) The Purgatory
3) The Inferno
And each scene is a different part of the painting that is in fact a  triptych.

Hieronymos Bosch

(1450-1516) Was an Early Netherlandish painter known for his  especial form of illustrate (right now, we know it as surrealism) about moral and religion.
He used to paint triptych, but,  his most know one, is The Garden of Earthly Delights.

martes, 18 de junio de 2013

A place to eat

My customs

First, I should mention in my family is not common to eat out. Although I remember that a lot of years ago, we used to go to the shopping mall and eat some ice-cream, but that's all.

Japanese Grill

If there is a place where I like to go and eat, is Japanese Grill. It's located in the station Moneda of the subway. Find the Santa Isabel and walk down upstairs; you'll see some food stores, and for sure, the one I'm talking about.
Some characteristics I like are: is not  a expensive place; it's near my bus stop; each time I eat, I'm satisfied at the of the sushi. By the way, I need say, it's a simple and informal place, and because there are stores together, it's more than a public place, it's a pretty public place. 

Right now, I'm not going anywhere, you know, I have brackets... 1) When the dentist tighten up the brackets, hurts sooo much and 2) Most of the food I eat will stay in the brackets until I wash my teeth, and when you are with someone and this person talks to you jajaja is a terrible thing. Those are the reasons, and sorry for the details. 

A would like to go

To a place called "Salchidog". I can't deny they sell trash food, and at first, I didn't like the idea of eat there, but a friend of mine told me about all the ingredients you can add to your "completo". Now I think is the best word, you will eat something full of things, something "complete".
I'm waiting for it, when my teeth lack of brackets, I'll go.


Hope you to enjoy a nice place to eat, thanks for reading!

lunes, 10 de junio de 2013

I would like to meet...

Something a bit sad is to know there's some characters 
that maybe we will never meet, 
but in case we could do it, what would you do?


Karen Carpenter

She's the one I would like to know, and the person whose identity was a mystery for a lot of years. I can see me in past with 5 years old,  listening her music in the car; the deep voice, all the melodies, were just something beautiful. The fact is I didn't know how to obtain her name and music, so I just get used to remember some words I could understand and part of the melody.

Approximately 12 years after that, some day, I found her. Was an amazing moment. Since then I listen to her   songs the way I always dreamed, and of course I try to learn about her life and work.

Her life

As you imaging she was a northamerican singer and drummer (March 2, 1950- February 4, 1983), well known for being part of the duet Carpenters with her brother, and her deep voice. 
Being in high school, she didn't like some classes, and to exempt herself, she got in to the high school band, she fell in love with the drums and her life began to change.
In university, she share a group with Frank Poller and her brother Richard. They played in different clubs on Hollywood, they win in a conquest and finally they sign in with RCA Records for a few months, from then on, success fallow their lives.

If I could talk to her

I would ask her to create a song for two voices, and as you maybe think, one of them should be mine. I think  I could expend all day talking about music and singing with her. 
She died very young, that's something that make me talk of her, because I know, right now, she could stay alive, and would be the older, nice and loved singer of mine.


One of the most known songs: "Close to you"

Their cover for: "Ticket to ride"


I hope you enjoyed!

Thanks for reading, see you!

jueves, 6 de junio de 2013

BBC English Learning Site

The BBC, British Broadcasting Corporation
is the public service of radio, tv and internet in the United Kingdom,
whose audience is one of the largest in that country.


The Website

Learning English is a free service from the BBC for those ones trying to know more about the language that's unites us. This is, the web don't teach, the bases of english, however, if you are looking for improvement, this is the place for you. 

I didn't know about this website, neither which was the meaning of BBC, and now, I can't deny the impression it causes me. It's a quite complete site, with series of exercises and topics that helps to delv into the language.
If you want to learn more, it's just a sin don't know about this link.


It's easy to navigate, especially considering they have a part calls "Site Map" where is told all content and of course, explained task by task with short words (that's the most I like, the inner me loves order), making of it a pretty useful part to give you a general vision.

I think my favourite elements are the downloads and postcasts. Since I have to travel a lot by bus to go to the university, is amazing how you can take advantage of that, apparently, time-out. Just download and listen along the way, and even more, there's lots of topics to keep you entertained!

Get in, learn and share!

Thanks for reading!