jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013

Summer Concerts

This past summer, I could experience one of the most amazing concerts of the year: The Planets by Gustav Holst.
If you read my blog before, I'm sure you should know I like the space, planets and stuff. In January, I had a lot of time (you could imaging) so, I spent the time I wanted to read and seek topics related with the night sky. The fact is that's why I enjoyed so much the idea of see that concert (I think), at last, that was one of the main reasons.

The concert

Took place the days 10, 11 y 12 of January in the Universidad de Chile's theatre, located in Baquedano station. I went on Thursday, if I remember well. he director was from here -Chile- and his name is Juan Pablo Villarroel; the orchestra and the institutional chorus participated.
The concert was simply wonderful. I like you to imagine the magical atmosphere there. The Planets, it's a work who contains 7 different movements; a suite. Each one represent a planet and from that, a god. I truly enjoyed  building an imagery for the well known characters. Moreover, we could see (who knows how) a unique personality from the music.
Quite a special moment in concert (for me) was, when they were playing Venus, the bringer of peace. Such big curiosity, was eaten me jaja. In an astrological way, Venus, is related with the sign Taurus (that's mine). I listened and woaa! So beautiful, so like my type of likes. I was completely delighted. Plus, the sound of the music took in a point, a volume so sweet and nice, everyone felt the mood and the silence, make the music. In fact, was like none one moves or took air.

Gustav Holst

Was an English composer born on 1874. The suit The Planets, was his most important creation and for sure important to England too; because that work helped the country recovering the international music category. The success of that work definitely crossed the borders. 
It's interesting to know, Holst work wasn't based completly in astronomy; but, in astrology. In fact, the models for gods, are the greek ones.


Hope you to enjoy, see you soon!  

jueves, 2 de mayo de 2013

A Beach

If I should choose a place I like, 

maybe it won't be the beach, unless ...


When I'm thinking of going out, usually I don't think in the beach, but the forest or the countryside. Though I can't deny there is a way to enjoy a place like a beach.
The vision of people in general about beach, means sun, warm, swimming, and  of course, others bathers.
I can say I don't like that type of things verily. Some years ago, I went to the beach (with the main class where I studied) and I spent the most part of time under a towel to not burn my skin - I remember the touch of sun like something pretty painful and yes, I enjoyed those vacations, but the part of sun; definitely not.
Right now I'm not so maniac, and the reason is, my skin doesn't hurt like before, the last 3 years I've been a lot on outdoor, probably that's why.

I like

Going to beach when the weather is wintry. The cloudy days are beautiful and for some reason I can pull myself in a relaxing state. Moreover, the spaces are not full of people. 
The passivity, the silence, the  sky mixes dark and light, and  makes shine the sun different, in a mysterious form. It's like I've put an infinite filter that fills all my eyes can see. Wonderful.

Six years ago

A friend of mine, invited me to the Quisco. I remember the amazing experience it was. Also, the timing to go was perfect, weather looks hilarious, was at the end of June. The seaside was fairly empty, and those two weeks, we used playing around those sites. I think, the intentions for those who go in summer and the others who go in winter or autumn are quite contrary. Maybe, in the cold, we try to reach a inner peaceful trip. I won't opine for the other part.


Still cold, I could feel the warmth
from the wintry breeze.

Thanks for reading!